How do I maintain a customer list?

In this article, learn how to add, edit, and delete customers in the customer list.

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A basic customer list can be created so that customer names can be quickly and easily associated with Jobs.  

Topics in this article include:

Create a Customer Record

Associate a Customer with a Job

Create a Customer Record

  1. Navigate to Settings --> Customers from the left-hand navigation menu.

    Customer Record

    The existing Customer List will appear

    Customer List

  2. Click the New Customer button
  3. Enter the new customer's name

    Create Customer

  4. Click Save.  The new customer will be added to the list.


Associating a Customer with a Job

  1. In the left-hand navigation menu, select Jobs.  The Jobs list will appear.

    Select Jobs

  2. Click the Edit button (pencil icon) next to the Job to which you want to associate a customer.  The Edit Job screen will appear.

    Edit Job

  3. Select the appropriate Customer from the customer drop down list.

    Select Customer

  4. Click Save.  The Job will be updated.