Step by step instructions to review and updated your pre-pour process
NOTE: This lesson plan is designed for use in our Tutorial system where hands-on exercises and datasets can be created without affecting your Production Idencia system. If you viewing this lesson plan from within your production Idencia site, please contact your customer liaison for access to our Tutorial site for hands-on learning.
Nice job!
You should now have a pre-pour process complete and ready for review. Check your process and see if it looks similar to the one below.
You may have chosen to include design information, or made other decisions during your configuration that change the final result slightly, but for the most part, your process should look similar to the one above.
If you need to make changes, click here for information on how to update your process.
Once you have your process ready to go, let's look at adding one last step where your inspector will record his signature or initials.
If you are already logged in to Idencia, skip to the Add a Capture Signature Step section below.
Login to Idencia
- Click the link below to open the Idencia Tutorial site in a new browser tab. Once a new browser tab is open and the tutorial site has been loaded, you'll need to return to this tab to finish reading your instructions. - Login to the Tutorial site using the credentials below
User Name: <your email address>
Password: <supplied by your Idencia Customer Liaison> - Verify that you now have two browser tabs open for your Idencia 101 work.
- This page
- The Idencia Tutorial site
Add a Capture Signature Step
- Select Setup->Processes from the Main Menu. This will display the Processes page. All existing Processes in the system will be displayed on this page.
- Find your process in the list and click the process name. The Process Details screen will display.
Now, let's add a new Phase to your process for capturing personnel information. First, we'll change the name of the default phase to something that's a little more descriptive. - Click Edit on the header row of the Default Phase. The Edit Process Phase screen will open.
- Change the phase name from "Default Phase" to "Form Inspection" or something that makes sense to you.
- Click Save. The Process Details screen will be updated with the new phase name.
Now, let's add a new phase for capturing personnel information. - Click New Phase. The Create New Process Phase screen will display.
- Enter "Personnel Info" or a phase name that makes sense to you.
- Click Save. The Process Details screen will be displayed with your new, empty phase at the bottom of the list. Scroll down to find it if you need to.
- On the title bar of your new phase, click New Step. The Create New Step screen will appear.
- Select Capture Signature.
- Click Next. The Create New Capture Signature Step screen will appear.
- Enter a Name for this signature step (example: Inspector's Signature).
- Enter an optional Description (example: Signature or Initials of Inspector completing the Pre Pour Checklist).
- Enter a Signature Name. This information will be used as the filename associated with each signature image. Be sure to use a name that is descriptive enough that it won't be reused.
For example, using a signature name like "Inspector Signature" will work if you will not be capturing the inspector's signature in a different process, like the post pour. If you will be capturing the inspector's signature, then "Inspector Signature" is not unique enough. You'll need to enter something like "Pre Pour Inspector Signature." Then when you create a step to capture the inspectors signature in the post pour process, you can enter a signature name like "Post Pour Inspector Signature." - Click Save. The Process Details screen is displayed with your new phase and capture signature step at the bottom of the list.
Next, let's move the "QC Inspector" step from the end of the "Form Inspection" phase down to the new "Personnel Info" phase. - On the Phases and Steps header bard, click Reorder. The Reorder Steps screen will display.
- Scroll down and click on the QC Supervisor step so that only that step is highlighted.
- Click the center Down Arrow on the right to move the "QC Supervisor" step down into the "Personnel Info" phase.
Note that the motion arrows on the right work like most arrow functions.Moves the highlighted step(s) up one place
Moves the highlighted step(s) to the top
Moves the highlighted step(s) down one place
Moves the highlighted step(s) to the bottom
Your "QC Supervisor step should now be the first step in the "Personnel Info" phase. - Click Save.
That's it! Your Pre Pour process is complete.
And the crowd goes wild!!
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