Making steps required or must pass
NOTE: This lesson plan is designed for use in our Tutorial system where hands-on exercises and datasets can be created without affecting your Production Idencia system. If you viewing this lesson plan from within your production Idencia site, please contact your customer liaison for access to our Tutorial site for hands-on learning.
Many times you want to make a process step required before the process can be completed, i.e., the mobile application user cannot leave the step blank. Some step types are required by default and cannot be made optional. Other step types must be configured to make them required. Step types include:
Steps that are required by default and cannot be made optional:
- Pass/Fail Step (N/A option available)
- Set GPS Location Step
- Take Picture Step (N/A option available)
- Add Item to Job Step
- Remove Item from Job Step
- Capture Signature Step
Steps that can be left blank unless configured to require a value:
- Set Date Custom Property Value Steps
- Set Text Custom Property Value Step
- Set Numeric Custom Property Value Step
- Scan Tag Step
In addition to making steps required, Pass/Fail steps can be set so that the process will be considered Incomplete until the step is set to Pass (or N/A if applicable). As long as the Step's result is Fail, the process will be considered Incomplete and no new process can be started.
Configuring Date, Text, Numeric & Scan Tag Steps to be Required
- Check the "Required" checkbox on the Create/Edit step screen.
See the How do I update processes? article for information on how to create & edit process steps.
Configuring Pass/Fail steps that must Pass
NOTE: Make sure to consider exactly how you will be configuring your Process as a whole before setting this option. If you are going to leave this option checked (i.e., the process will be left Incomplete as long as the step is set to 'Fail'), and there is more than one Phase in the Process, you should make sure the Process is configured to allow the user to complete the Phases in any order. Setting the configuration options so that the user is forced to complete the Phases in the appropriate order also prevents the user from returning to a previous phase. Once a phase is complete, you cannot go back, even to correct a mistake or change a Pass/Fail value. It is possible to create a scenario where a Pass/Fail step Fails, which keeps the process set to Incomplete, but the user is not able to return to that Phase of the Process in order to update the step from Fail to Pass. In this scenario, the Process will never Complete.
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